Becoming a Partner

CBD is advertised as providing relief for anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. It is also marketed to promote sleep. Part of CBD’s popularity is that it purports to be “non psychoactive,” and that consumers can reap health benefits from the plant without the high.

Chiropractors have seen significant benefits to using CBD as a way of helping patients manage certain symptoms, and at Fall River Spine & Disc Center they are no different. They rely on CBD as a way to manage pain in patients and help with recovery, and they have seen firsthand how CBD is able to do just that.

In a recent study Yesterday Wellness conducted of women over 30 who currently use CBD, more than 63% use it to help relieve sore muscles, aches and pains. Of that group, roughly 89% were somewhat or very satisfied with CBD.

While awareness of CBD is quite high (93%), only 47% of survey respondents have tried CBD, and of that group, less than half use it regularly. We expect the number of people using CBD to increase over time as consumer education improves and products become more readily accessible.

History tells us location is key and we feel that educating consumers when and where they need help has been ignored.  Visiting your healthcare provider (Chiropractor, Eye Doctor, Physical Therapist etc.) is a natural way to educate and supply consumers with CBD that has been overlooked by online retailors who are trying to take advantage of a new market as quickly as possible without face to face interaction to build loyalty.  These retailors rely on reviews and customer testimonials which are great but they are not as effective as a trained professional.

  • CBD is expected to be a $6 billion dollar business by 2025
  • When and Where:
    • People are not purchasing CBD at Gas Stations or CVS. They are buying it online or when they visit their healthcare provider (Chiropractor, Eye Doctor, Physical Therapist etc.)
  • Expands your Business’ revenue stream
  • Benefits your patients
  • Helps retain patients

If you succeed, we succeed

  • We deliver training, marketing materials, showcase, point of sale, and products to each Kiosk
  • We track and replenish inventory
  • We collect, track, and report back all sales with self-serve access available to each Kiosk
  • We pay each Kiosk a monthly commission for all products sold
  • Estimate $750 to $1,000 a month in year one
  • We take on risks and expenses such as:  Insurance, Inventory, Technology, etc.
  • Zero upfront cost, zero monthly costs, no commitment

Founded by three health care professionals with a passion for medical wellness. With over 60 years of combined experience, we have realized that there is a need for an alternative and holistic approach to health care. We champion an approach which is gentle, safe, and most importantly, effective.  We believe in Science and Quality to Advance your Wellness and Advance your Life!

Market and sell CBD products to address your healthcare needs primarily regarding pain relief without any psychoactive effects.

  • Advanced Medical will set you up as a “Kiosk” to sell Advanced Medical CBD products
  • We give you a display case (2 x 2 or whatever works best for you) to put in your office
    • The display case will be filled with approximately six different SKU’s of Advanced Medical CBD products
    • We will manage you inventory remotely through Square (a digital payment company). When you need more, we will ship you more!
  • We give you Marketing materials (brochures, signs, etc.) to use at your discretion
  • We will check in with you periodically and share any need to know information (New Kisoks, Partners, Strategies, Marketing/Website updates, Promotions etc.)
  • There is no minimum sale target- It is mutual agreement. At the end of the contract you are responsible for returning all unsold Products, Marketing Material, and Equipment
  • We cover all insurances needed for our products
  • All Transactions will be done via Square and will be digital (no cash)
    • You will have clear line into all of your sales via reporting through Square
  • You will receive a % from every product sold to be paid out monthly or quarterly (whichever you prefer)
  • Zero upfront cost, zero monthly costs, no commitment

Our Ask is that you

  • Maintain Advanced Medical CBD’s display case
  • Speak to your patients about how CBD can help them
  • When appropriate, recommend Advanced Medical CBD
  • A naturally occurring compound found in hemp or Cannabis that is both non-addictive and non-psychoactive.
  • CBD has therapeutic properties which can be used in a wide variety of treatments for many conditions.
  • Patients take CBD for the following reasons:
      • Supports sleep
      • Encourages recovery
      • Reduces inflammation
      • Reduces chronic pain
      • Calms anxiety
      • Lowers stress
      • Relives performance anxiety
      • Encourages recovery
      • Reinforces wellness routine

More questions?

Don’t hesitate to contact our Kiosk Service Team – we’re always available to answer questions.